Get error, while using HTTPWatch (RID not found in network event policyUpdated)

When tracing with HttpWatch v.14.0.25 site in the Edge browser (version 128.0.2739.67) I get the following error:

RID not found in network event policyUpdated
(Saved dump file to C:\Users\AUTOTE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\HttpWatchForChromiumx64.exe.12016.2004.dmp)
Version: 14.0.25
Exception type: std::exception

While using HttpWatch with Edge with lower version (120, 126, 117) - all going good.

Need help solving this problem.

To use the latest versions of Chrome and Edge you will need to install HttpWatch version 15:

Please directly contact and we can advise you whether your license will work with the latest version of HttpWatch.

Thanks for reply. It helps!!
But another problem appeared.
In my tests I use Selenium webdriver (MSEdge). When tests start, the webdriver starts:
driver = new EdgeDriver(webdriverPath);
The default tab opens, the page title changes and tries to connect to this page:
page title = “Test”;
driver.ExecuteScript(“document.title = '” + pageTitle + “'”);
But after that an error occurs:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: AttachByTitle failed because no Chrome or Edge page was found with the title ‘Test’.
Please check that HttpWatch is installed, enabled and working correctly in the target browser window. - AttachByTitle failed

I noticed that the plugin is not active at startup.
Although after clicking on it, it becomes active.

And I want to note - the first launch after a “clean” installation of HttpWatch and the Edge plugin was successful. Are there any requirements for the user rights under which the tests are carried out, and also was ntpwatch installed and configured?
Also on another computers test works fine.

HttpWatch is accessible by all users including ones without local admin rights. We have sometimes seen problems like this on PCs where perhaps the Chrome extension subsystem has stopped working correctly. Please try the following possible resolutions first:

  1. Restart Windows
  2. Re-install HttpWatch

If you still have problems please email with details of the versions of HttpWatch and Chrome that you are using.